Afternoon Tea by Zoe Collins
‘Afternoon Tea’. Mixed media.
Memories of my grandmother visiting in hot weather, afternoon Cinzano and a lovely biscuit, topping and tailing green beans to get ahead of the dinner prep.
My work is an observation, as a parent and home dweller, of the patterns and textures of my own existence. Repetition, play and the push-pull of a haphazard contentment are explored, with endless opportunities to find beauty in amongst the chaos.
Framed by professional archival framers in Brisbane, Australia.
Artwork size: 14.5 x 12 cm
Framed size: 24 x 20.5 cm
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We are unable to provide refunds at this stage, so please read item descriptions with care.
Colour reproductions vary across digital devices. I have taken all the care I can to ensure replication is as close to true at my end, as possible.
Enjoy. :)