In 2022, I started writing and illustrating a small, black and white book that was all about using creativity to find a deeper understanding of who you are, in order to become a better artist. As I continued, I realised the book I was writing was less about teaching art, than it was about connecting people to their inner creativity in order to soothe their mind. Huh!
And, something happened — things started to bloom and blossom all around me. You know when you hear a word for the first time, then suddenly you hear it 'everywhere'? Everywhere I turned, my theories that art was a powerful tool for my own mental health were being reinforced — by friends, on Instagram, in podcasts, on TV — every-bluddy-where!
The first thing was a six-part Australian documentary series on the ABC (Australia's national broadcasting service). It was called 'Space 22' and it was all about how creativity can help heal trauma. I. Was. Hooked. People with all kinds of trauma in their lives were lead through an 'experiment' to see if participating in fairly simple creative activities can 'help heal invisible wounds'. (You'd better click on that link and watch it to find out...).
The second thing was an advertisement on social media for a Graduate Certificate in Creative Therapies at Charles Darwin University. Again: enthralled! I watched the first thing, then enrolled in the second. My book, published in Mid 2022 — is part of a very colourful art kit and I am currently mid-way through the Grad Cert, learning all kinds of wonderful things about the beginnings of western psychology, ancient indigenous culture and learning — from teachers all over the world, who volunteer their time to share their experience in various healing and therapeutic backgrounds. One of my favourite moments was when Conrad Aiken quietly stated that he is a 'connoiseur' of therapy, not just a practitioner.
Lastly, I've started a very small, monthly group where we gather to experience these theories and see if we can't make a dent in our 'so busy', disconnected lives. So far, we've met once. And it was great! We played with a huge roll of paper and some crayons that my son is developing for sale; we cut out paper-doll like shapes, wrote some secrets, shared some tea and planned for our next months' adventure which will be making books. If you have ever spent any time following my online adventures you'll know that making junky books for filling with ephemera is one of my all-time favourite things to do. Woo!
I'll keep you in the loop!